Grammar Tutorials and Reference Tools
- Verb Tenses
- Conditionals
- Modals
- Gerunds
- Prepositions
- Articles
- Mini-Grammar Tutorials
- Irregular Verbs
- Phrasal Verb Intro & Dictionary
- Verb + Preposition Dictionary
Complete Index of Grammar Topics
a.k.a. = also known as- A vs. An
- A(An) vs. The
- Active Verb Forms
- Adjectives
- Adjective + Preposition Combinations Followed by Gerunds
- Adverbs
- Also
- Articles (A, An, The)
- Be + Adjective Combinations Followed by Infinitives
- Can
- Causative Verbs
- Conditional Verb Forms
- Present Real Conditional (a.k.a. Zero Conditional, Conditional 0)
- Present Unreal Conditional (a.k.a. Second Conditional, Conditional 2)
- Past Real Conditional
- Past Unreal Conditional (a.k.a. Third Conditional, Conditional 3)
- Future Real Conditional (a.k.a. First Conditional, Conditional 1)
- Future Unreal Conditional
- Continuous Conditionals
- Mixed Conditionals
- Were To
- Consonant definition
- Continuous Conditionals
- Continuous Verbs
- Could
- Countable Nouns (a.k.a Count Nouns)
- Either
- Even
- Expressions followed by VERB+ing
- Future Continuous (a.k.a. Future Progressive)
- Future in the Past
- Future Perfect
- Future Perfect Continuous (a.k.a. Future Perfect Progressive)
- Future Real Conditional
- Future Unreal Conditional
- Gerunds and Infinitives
- Verbs followed by gerunds
- Verbs followed by infinitives
- Verbs followed by nouns + infinitives
- Verbs Followed by either gerunds OR nouns + infinitives
- Verbs Followed by Gerunds OR Infinitives (Different Meaning)
- Verbs Followed by Gerunds OR Infinitives (Similar Meaning)
- Adjective + Preposition Combinations Followed by Gerunds
- Be + Adjective Combinations Followed by Infinitives
- Expressions followed by VERB+ing
- Go + Gerunds
- Location Verbs Followed by VERB+ing
- Nouns Followed by Infinitives
- Noun + Preposition Combinations Followed by Gerunds
- Get (Causative Verbs)
- Get + Prepositions (Also see Phrasal Verb Dictionary)
- Go + Gerunds
- Had Better
- Have (Causative Verbs)
- Have to
- Have Got to
- Infinitives (See Gerunds and Infinitives)
- Irregular Verbs Dictionary (370 common verbs)
- Irregular Verbs Extended Dictionary including rare verbs
- Let (Causative Verbs)
- Linking Verbs
- Location Verbs followed by VERB+ing
- Make (Causative Verbs)
- May
- Might
- Mixed Conditionals
- Modal Verbs
- Modal Verb Forms
- Mixed Verbs (Continuous and Non-Continuous Uses)
- Must
- Non-Continuous Verbs
- Non-count Nouns (a.k.a Uncountable Nouns)
- Nouns Followed by Infinitives
- Noun + Preposition Combinations Followed by Gerunds
- Ought to
- Passive Verb Forms
- Past Continuous (a.k.a. Past Progressive)
- Past Perfect
- Past Perfect Continuous (a.k.a. Past Perfect Progressive)
- Past Real Conditional
- Past Unreal Conditional
- Phrasal Verbs
- Phrasal Verb Dictionary
- Prepositions
- Present Continuous (a.k.a. Present Progressive)
- Present Perfect
- Present Perfect Continuous (a.k.a. Present Perfect Progressive)
- Present Real Conditional (a.k.a. Zero Conditional, Conditional 0)
- Present Unreal Conditional (a.k.a. Second Conditional)
- Second Conditional (a.k.a. Present Unreal Conditional)
- Shall
- Should
- Simple Future
- Simple Past
- Simple Present
- So
- Subjunctive (a.k.a. Subjunctive Mood)
- Such
- The vs. A(An)
- Too
- Uncountable Nouns
- Used to
- Verb + Preposition Dictionary
- Verbs followed by gerunds
- Verbs followed by infinitives
- Verbs followed by nouns + infinitives
- Verbs Followed by either gerunds OR nouns + infinitives
- Verbs Followed by Gerunds OR Infinitives (Different Meaning)
- Verbs Followed by Gerunds OR Infinitives (Similar Meaning)
- Verb Tenses
- Future Continuous (a.k.a. Future Progressive)
- Future in the Past
- Future Perfect
- Future Perfect Continuous (a.k.a. Future Perfect Progressive)
- Past Continuous (a.k.a. Past Progressive)
- Past Perfect
- Past Perfect Continuous (a.k.a. Past Perfect Progressive)
- Present Continuous (a.k.a. Present Progressive)
- Present Perfect
- Present Perfect Continuous (a.k.a. Present Perfect Progressive)
- Simple Future
- Simple Past
- Simple Present
- Used to
- Would Always
- Vowel definition
- Were To
- Who / Whom / Whose
- Will
- Would
- Would Always
- Zero Conditional (a.k.a. Present Real Conditional)
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